AC Units Calculation | How much an AC consume electricity in an hour? |

AC Units Calculation | How much an AC consume electricity in an hour? |


AC Units Calculation

How much an AC consume electricity in an hour? If you want to know about your air conditioner unit consumption, then you are in a good palace. We can calculate the units at home. First of all, we have to check the Volts. Then Check the Ampre of your air conditioner. for AC Units Calculation, go to the outdoor unit and check there for a specification sticker. After that, multiply the Volts and Ampere for taking out Air conditioner’s Watt.

for example, there are 220 volts and 7.0 Ampere.

Watt = 220 volts × 7.0 Ampere

Watt = 1540 for your Air Conditioner Machine.


Now you have to divide the watts with 1000 for taking out Unit Per Hour.


Units = watt ÷ 1000

Units = 1540 ÷ 1000

Units = 1.54 per hour.

Note: If your air conditioner runs continuously for one hour, then units consume 1.54. If you compressor tripping as your sets temperature, then it will consume fewer units as well as we are calculated.

AC not blowing cold air

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